
Who is the owner of Soundsberry.com ?

The owner of Soundsberry.com is Lithuanian Music Publishing  company “Prior Musica”. The company established in 2022. The official address is A.Jaksto 9, Vilnius, Lithuania. Company No. 125954472, VAT LT259544716.

Do you offer any discounts?

No, we do not offer any discounts at the moment. However, our licensing terms are very price friendly. Please view our plans for your appreciation.

Can I make monthly payments?

No, due to our low prices for Subscription, we charge annually. Nevertheless the monthly amount comes to quite a low price.  Please view our plans for your appreciation.

Can I Purchase single track and get the license?

Once you subscribe to one of our plans, you can download as many tracks as needed for just 1 Eur each. In case you really need just a one track, yes, you can purchase one single license for single track with the one time payment. Single track price is 49 Eur and Sound effect – just 5 Eur.

How can I offer my music for Soundsberry.com ?

We would be very happy to hear your compositions. Please contact us and send us your music. After the revision, we would come back with our feedback and possibly the publishing contract.

Can I share my plan with a friend or colleague?

The license can only be used by the entity that’s listed on the subscription. You can’t share your license with a friend or colleague because 1 license = 1 seat.

If you subscribe under your name, then only projects that you’ve created will be covered. Artlist’s license will cover the individual or business that’s named on the subscription.

What is the payment method?

To do the payment for your Subscriptions or single purchase you can easily by credit/debit card only, using our secure payment system, provided by Stripe. At the meantime we do not provide the option to pay using Paypal.

Pick a subscription

Single Purchase

Sound Effects

5 Eur

Music Track

from 5 Eur


Licence or personal use and student projects

9.99 Eur

(Billed annually 119 Eur, unlimited downloads 1 Euro each)


Extended License for private and commercial usage

15.99 Eur

(Billed annually 191 Eur, unlimited downloads 1 Euro each)


If you are working on a multi-territory project, studio film, or project not listed above, we will be more than happy to tailor the  license  according to your needs.